German Castles Association
The German Castles Association for the Preservation of Historic Buildings
Founded as "Association for the Preservation of German Castles" in 1899 the DEUTSCHE BURGENVEREINIGUNG (DBV) is the oldest private initiative for the preservation of historic buildings in Germany.
Aims of the DBV
- The preservation of historic buildings, both military and residential
- as part of Germany's historical and artistic heritage
- as architectural monuments and
- as factors shaping our cultural landscape
The DBV seeks to achieve this through
- fostering public interest in the protection of monuments
- promoting research on castles and publishing the results participating in the conservation of historic buildings
- participating in the conservation of the countryside
- public relations work aimed at securing public recognition and material support for ancient monuments in private ownership
- advising owners on the conservation and upkeep of historic buildings
What does the DBV do?
- The DBV sets an example with the restoration and conservation of the Marksburg - the only castle towering over the Middle Rhine which has never been destroyed. It is owned by the DBV and its collections are open to the public all year round.
- The DBV sponsors and provides facilities for the European Castles Institute (EBI) in the DBV's other castle Philippsburg in Braubach with its specialist library and documentation centre with collections of pictures and plans.
- The DVB publishes the specialist journal "Burgen und Schlösser" four times a year, a series of books on castle research and castle studies, a loose-leaf series with practical advice on restoration matters and last but not least a DBV members' magazine.
- The Stiftung der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung (DBV Foundation) provides material incentives - in the form of an annual prize and start-up grants - for the conservation of historic monuments.
- The DBV sponsors the Aktionsgemeinschaft Privates Denkmaleigentum (Association for privately owned ancient monuments) together with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Grundbesitzerverbände (Federation of German Landowners' Association).
- The DBV organises academic conferences, seminars, study tours and exhibitions.
- The DBV cooperates with both national and international institutions for the conservation of ancient monuments.
- The DBV is an association of people from all walks of life and from all backgrounds who like castles and who wish to preserve them.